Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Contest Entry on 11/29/11

Organ Stops, 10/21/11 3:31pm, f/2.8, 0.3, ISO 80, 6.0mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS

I entered this photo into the abstract photo contest with the photographic society. I just thought of all my pictures that I've taken this semester, I have really enjoyed this one. Even though it may not have the best lighting, I personally enjoy how crisp the lettering is and the contrast of the darks and lights. It also shows how I feel about music in general. It has a dark side and a light side but it is Celestial to me.

I chose the abstract contest mostly because I thought I had entered the second photographic society contest of this semester, but as it turned out, I had just sent them my jpg not the hard copy. So I had to do this last contest but I thought it went pretty well with the contest too. It's kind of a unique angle and has a very wide depth of field to it.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Poster Project

 For this edit I added a Brightness and Contrast Adjustment Layer, Hue and Saturation Layer and a Levels Layer. I really boosted the saturation on this one to bring out the deep reds in the stop. I also had to darken it alot because of the blown out part on the left. The sizing was a huge issue for this pic. For some reason I had my camera on a smaller size setting and so the picture was to small to bring all the way up to 18x24. So I had to ad the border around it. I think it looks really nice though. I like how my signature kinda pops out in the bottom right corner. I chose this picture because it reminds how celestial music can be.
 For this edit I added a Brightness and Contrast Adjustment Layer, Hue and Saturation Layer and a Levels layer. I just boosted the saturation and made it a little darker with the levels and brightness adjustment layers. I really like this picture because it reminds me of mountain biking which something I love to do. I really like the shallow depth of focus. I also was able to put my signature in at the top right.
Bike wheels 18x24, 10/8/11 3:18pm, f/3.5, 1/160, ISO 80, 16.1mm, Rexburg ORC, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS

Organ Stops 18x24, 10/20/11 3:13pm, f/2.8, .3, ISO 80, 6.0mm, Bannock Ghost Town, Canon Powershot SX 120IS

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Night & Light

Spiral Pumpkin, 10/31/11 10:38pm, f/8.0, 4.0, ISO 100, 12.8mm, Canon Powershot SX120IS

 For these pumpkins, I went outside our front door and moved my arms around in a circle. It really makes it looks like the pumpkins are sending out a magic spell!
Streak Lights, 11/5/11 9:26pm, f/8.0, 8.0, ISO 200, 16.1mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS
These two photos were really fun to take. On my way home from Idaho Falls on Friday, I decided to take pictures of the cars passing me on the freeway. It made some for some really cool pictures. 
Lane Change, 11/5/11 9:38pm, f/8.0, 10.0, ISO 200, 46.6mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS
This picture was of an oil tanker changing lanes right in front of me. I think the longer shutter time really made a difference as well. I consider this my stationary shot.
Light Tic Tac Toe, 11/6/11 10:30pm, f/2.8, 8.0, ISO 80, 6.0mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS
I took this picture in my bathroom. I quickly ran the light latterly and then longitudinally, while covering the light with my hand in between. I think it turned out pretty well!
Bathroom Light Painting, 11/6/11 10:35pm, f/2.8, 8.0, ISO 80, 6.0mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS

This is my shower curtain. Thats why you can see little reflections along the sides. If you look really close you can see another flower on the left side. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fine Art Template

 Grafitti Jess, 09/15/11 5:38pm, f/5.5, 1/50, ISO 200, 23.2mm Canon P0wershot A560

I really enjoyed these templates. It was really difficult to get my signature in but it really paid off. I feel that these squares did a good job of focusing on the eyes and sending the viewer to the right. 

Bike Wheels, 10/8/11 3:18pm, f/2.8, 1/160, ISO 80, 6.0mm, Canon Powershot SX120IS

I thought this design was really cool I really feel this could be like personal logo or maybe on a business card. It just seems super professional. 

Monday, October 31, 2011


Evolution of a Pumpkin

Witches Hat

For these two pictures I had to do a little editing. I just used the brush tool around the corners where there was some smudges on the glass. I merged the pumpkins together like a panoramic photo.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Edge Effects

Lady Wheat, 10/8/11 3:15pm, f/8, 1/400, ISO 80, 6.0mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS
Bike Wheels, 10/8/11 3:20 pm, f/2.8, 1/160, ISO 80, 6.0mm, Canon Powershot SX 120IS
Brush Stroke Jess, 9/15/11 4:30pm, f/2.6, 1/60, ISO 200, 5.8mm, Canon Powershot A560 
For these three photos I used a flexible edit brush border on the wheat, a spraed edge effect on
the wheels and a brushed-on effect on Jess.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Bannack HDR, 10/20/11 1:31pm, f/8, 1/160, ISO 80, 8.2mm Canon Powershot SX 120IS
Hotel HDR, 10/20/11 3:18pm, f/3.2, 1/1600, ISO 80, 7.3mm, Canon Powershot SX 120IS

Light Painting

Light Boots, 10/20/11 8:18pm, f/8.0, 15.0, ISO1600, 20.1mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS

Bannack Best

Cowgirl Lady, 10/20/11 4:03pm, f/4.3, 1/60, ISO 80, 60.0mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS

Cowboy Man, 10/20/11 4:06, f/5.6, 1/125, ISO 800, 28.1mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS

Guitar Man, 10/20/11 1:16pm, f/3.5, 1/250, ISO 80, 14.4mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS

Guitar Head, 10/20/11 1:19pm, f/2.8, 1/800, ISO 80, 6.0mm, Canon Powershot SX 120IS

Bannack Hotel, 10/20/11 3:18pm, f/3.2, 1/1600, ISO 80, 7.3mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS

Macro Abstract

Macro Abstract, 10/21/11 3:31pm, f/2.8, 0.3, ISO 80, 6.0mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS
Broken Bottle, 10/20/11 4:56pm, f/2.8, 1/25, ISO 800, 6.0mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS
Brick/Mortar, 10/20/11 2:23pm, f/2.8, 1/40, ISO 80, 6.0mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS

Crack, 10/20/11 2:25pm, f/2.8, 1/1000, ISO 80, 6.0mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS

Broken Glass, 10/20/11 4:59pm, f/2.8, 1/1250, ISO 800, 6.0mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS
Macro Overlay Blend

Reverse Shallow Depth

Background focus 1, 10/21/11 3:43 pm, f/4.0, 1/160, ISO 80, 25.2mm Canon Poweshot SX 120 IS

Foreground focus 1, 10/21/11 3:43 pm, f/4.0, 1/160, ISO 80, 25.2mm Canon Poweshot SX 120 IS

Background focus 2, 10/21/11 4:53 pm, f/4.0, 1/1000, ISO 800, 25.2mm Canon Powershot SX 120 IS

Foreground focus 2, 10/21/11 4:53 pm, f/4.0, 1/1000, ISO 800, 25.2mm Canon Powershot SX 120 IS

Action Blur and Freeze

Blur 1, 10/21/11 1:46 pm, f/8, 1/50, ISO 80, 20.1mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS

Blur 2 (Ghost), 10/21/11 2:21pm, f/7.1, 1.6, ISO 80, 9.1mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS

Freeze, 10/21/11 3:26 pm, f/8, 1/100, ISO 80, 18.1mm, Canon Powershot SX 120 IS

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Bannack Portraits

Bannack Portrait 1, 10/20/11 1:25 pm, f/3.5, 1/200, ISO 80, 10.1mm, Canon Powershot SX 120

Bannack Portrait 2, 10/20/11 1:57pm, f/3.2, 1/160, ISO 80, 7.3mm Canon Powershot SX 120
Bannack Portrait 3, 10/20/11 1:03pm, f/4.0, 1/400, ISO 80, 46.6mm, Canon Powershot SX 120

Friday, October 14, 2011

Portrait Edits

Graffiti Jess, 9/15/11 5:38pm, f/5.5, 1/150, ISO 200, 23.2mm,
Cannon Powershot A560

For this image, I did some touch up around her chin, lips, eyes and hair. I really had to take it easy on the opacity sometimes. It was hard to not trace over the natural lines in face either. She's still gorgeous!

Jess/Jenn Bench, 10/12/11 6:20pm, f/4.3, 1/400, ISO 80, 60.0mm, Canon Powershot SX120 IS

For these photos I just wanted a little darker of a shot for the second one. I think it also took a lot of the yellow color with it which doesn't work real well.

Jess/Jenn Porter, 10/12/11 6:08pm, f/4.0, 1/100,
ISO 100, 28.1mm, Canon Powershot SX120 IS

 Jess/Jenn Rock Portrait, 10/12/11 6:30pm, f/4.0, 1/1000, ISO
200, 51.1mm, Canon Powershot SX120 IS

I tried to replace my wife's red TOMS with the yellow of Jenn's shirt. It didn't really work that well. I think it was because of all the shadows in the picture. You can still see some of the red of the TOMS.